Year : 2013
Month : 12/2 ~ 12/5
City : Sydney
Year : 2005
Month : 12/13 ~ 12/26
City : Mumbai
Year : 2011
Month : 8/17 ~ 7/20
City : X'ian
Year : 2004
Month : 1/6 ~ 1/9
City : Hong Kong
Year : 2009
Month : 11/24 ~ 11/27
City : Bangkok
Year : 2001
Month : 7/1 ~ 7/4
City : Busan
Year : 2007
Month : 8/26 ~ 8/29
City : Kaohsiung
Year : 1999
Month : July
City : Nagoya
History of the AARA
The founding of regional aerosol associations and the Asian Aerosol Research Assembly (AARA) was motivated by growing interests in aerosol science and technology in Asian region. Following JAAST (Japan Association of Aerosol Science and Technology) and IASTA (Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association), new aerosol associations such as TAAR (Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research) and KAPAR (Korean association for particle and aerosol research) were founded in 1992 and 1994, respectively, after being encouraged by Professor David Y. H. Pui of University of Minnesota. In 1998 in the domestic JAAST (Japan Association of Aerosol Science and Technology) meeting, Professors Hitoshi Emi and Yasuo Kousaka from Japan, Professors Chiu-sen Wang and Chuen-Jinn Tsai from Taiwan, and Professors Kyoo-Won Lee and Sang-Soo Kim from Korea discussed about the idea of promoting aerosol science and technology in Asia by hosting the Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC) every two years. Nagoya was decided to be the city for hosting the 1st AAC in 1999 when the AARA was officially established with the above four founding member associations. Later, Professor Kyoo-Won Lee was elected as the first AARA president and Pusan was decided to be the city for hosting the 2nd AAC in 2001 when the constitution of the AARA was drafted and finalized.
Now there are 7 member associations in the AARA after having been expanded to include TPTC (Thai Powder Technology Center), CSP (Chinese Society of Particuology), and CASANE (Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand). The main function of the AARA is to promote the advancement of aerosol science within countries in Asia, Australia and New Zealand, and eventually in all other South-Eastern Asian countries as well. The AARA organizes a high quality AAC biennially focusing on the fundamental research and application of aerosol science, industrial applications, air quality and climate change. There will also be presentations for the Asian Young Aerosol Scientist Award to recognize outstanding contributions by young aerosol scientists in Asian Countries, and Asian Aerosol Fellows to honor senior scientists with outstanding service to the AARA and significant contributions to the field aerosol science and technology.